Who ever said that Twitter was useless? Well not to Psykhomantus as he's trade topics, post his mixtapes, followed and made new friends. Psykhomantus met another turntablist on twitter who goe's by the name Thatkidnamedcee who locates from France to Texas and is part of a Turntablist crew called SkratchLife. Other members of the SkratchLife crew is DJ Needlez (Houston,Texas), Doc Jeezy (Pittsburgh, US) and Dexxx Hunt (US). Thatkidnamedcee asked Psykhomantus on twitter to join the crew as they have never met before in real life but the vibe, the passion on the art of Hip-Hop and turntablism made them bound together. I had to say yes, say's Psykhomantus. Thatkidnamedcee and DJ Needlez knows the same people i do, one of people we know is Rob Swift from the X-Ecutioners. I met Rob Swift at the DMC World Championships in London last year (2009). I email him as i was waiting for my DVD from him as it took a while to get to me, reason for delay my message never got to him. When he did find my message he sent me his mixtape (Dust To Dust) along with the DVD and when we met at the DMC, we chilled out a little at the after party. Watch this space from the Skratchlife crew as there will be things to look fwd to in the future.
Check out "NitrousMaskPoisonKuttz" by Thatkidnamedcee
Also check www.beat4battle.fr
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